Red Snapper fish fillet with pickled red cabbage.

I love fish and always make it the simplest of ways to preserve its delicate texture and flavour. This recipe is friendly for anyone on a healthy lifestyle  paleo or low carb diet.

Recipe: serves 2Red Snapper Fish fillet with pickled red cabbage

-2 fish fillets about 200g each
-Salt to taste
– pinch of freshly ground black pepper corns
-2 tbsp olive oil








1. Heat oil in a pan
2. Pat fish to ensure it is thoroughly dry on both sides before seasoning with salt and pepper
3. Place fish in the heated oil and fry until well browned on one side about 1-2min, turn to brown the other side 1min, reduce heat to low, cover with a lid and cook for an extra 2-3 minutes to ensure the fish is cooked through.
4.Put off heat let fish sit for a minute in the pan and serve.

serve with pickled red cabbage

*While cooking, after the 1st turn, bast fish with extra drippings/oil in the pan to ensure the fish stays moist inside.

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