Pan Fried Chicken Liver with Mushrooms and Onions Sauce

With all the various chicken dishes we cook in kenya, from chicken stew to chicken choma escpecially during holidays and other celebrations, it is a wonder chicken liver is not as popular. I hope with my delicious chicken liver in mushroom and onion sauce, you will well off be on your way to cook some chicken liver. Also you could skip the mushroom and onion sauce all together and just pan fry your liver with salt, pepper and enjoy it as is. The mushrooms can also be substituted for choice of fast cooking veggies i.e tomatoes and hoho(capsicum).


  • 500g liver
  • 150g mushrooms (washed and cut into slices)
  • 1 medium onion (thinly sliced)
  • 1/2 bunch Spring onions(roots cut off, washed, chopped white part and green part separated)
  • 1 tsp of all-purpose white flour
  • ½  cup of water
  • 1 Fresh or dry chili (chopped)
  • 2 garlic cloves (finely chopped)
  • 2 tbsp veg oil (I used sunflower oil)
  • Salt to taste
  • Black pepper to taste

Pan Fried Chicken Liver with Mushrooms and Onions Sauce Ingredients_ Sheenas Kitchen


  1. Cut the sinew (inter connection tissue) off the liver
  2. Season the liver with salt and pepper
  3. Heat one tbsp. of oil in a non-stick pan and pan fry the liver on both sides until golden brown and ¾ way cooked
  4. Set the live aside
  5. In the same pan, add the remaining tbsp. of oil and fry the onions and the white bites of the spring onion until just soft
  6. Add the garlic and fry until fragrant
  7. Add the mushrooms and saute until the mushrooms are soft
  8. Add the flour stir well with the mushrooms mixture
  9. Add the water and and gently stir ensuring the sauce is smooth
  10. Let the sauce cook for a minute or two until it starts to thicken.
  11. Then add back the liver  and cook together with the sauce for another 3-5 minutes or until the liver is cooked all the way through
  12. The sauce and mushrooms should just coat the liver
  13. Finish by sprinkling in some the green parts of the spring onions.

Pan Fried Chicken Liver with Mushrooms and Onions Sauce close up_ Sheenas Kitchen

* Spring onions in Kenya tend to be very thin and are often sold in small bunches... so my half a bunch was about 10-12 individual stalks spring onions
*If using scallions which tend to be larger than spring onions then use about 4-5 stalks or to your liking.

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