Congratulations! You found your way here. What does that mean? It means you are wondering what we can do together, which is fantastic because i love partnering with others to create unique and relevant content. If you are an individual, company, brand, restaurant,school and so forth, here is a list of projects i can get involved in to ensure that you get the best results for you and your customers.
Food Consultancy/Meal Planning:
I recently started implementing healthy habits into my lifestyle. As a result, i am passionate about working with individuals who are interested in adopting similar changes. Thus rather than just create a meal plan, i work with you to understand your needs, so as to better assist you achieve your goals. Hence i engage you in different styles of food preparation and various food ingredients to try out.
Cooking video content:
It is the digital era and we have all heard a picture is worth a thousand words but with video, you don’t have to imagine and your product can vividly be brought to life. I look forward to working with your brand to create visually enticing content.
Recipe Development:
I love a challenge, and creating exciting ,unique ways to feature ingredients or products, for a recipe is simply exhilarating.
Content can be created in partnership for publication on this website, national publications, magazines ,other websites and social platforms.
Staff Training:
If you are an establishment and just feel that your staff’s cooking skills is just not up to par, i can come to your establishment and train your staff
to improve on their cooking skills, hygiene, safety as well as revamp the old recipes.
Food demonstrations:
If you have products you would like me to showcase to consumers on different ways to use them, get in touch and we can see how best to proceed.
Conferences, forums:
Do you have a conference, forum you would like me to attend and speak about food/health? Great i would love to share my knowledge from the food industry,
culinary careers, shed light on restaurant jobs.
Food on health:obesity, weight loss, adapting to a healthy lifestyle, cooking methods etc.
Sponsored Posts:
If you have a brand I believe in and ideas about creating creative partnerships, let’s chat about how to connect the two.
Brand Ambassadorship:
I would love to share products I believe in with my clients, readers and creating long-term relationships with brands is always welcome.